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Underdog BRANDED K‑Cups

Tart Cherry, Dulce De Leche, Cola

$12.00 available on subscription

SKU UD-MR-KC-2 Categories ,

115 in stock

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Savor the distinctive taste of Switchpoint Coffee Co’s Underdog Medium Roast, featuring delightful notes of tart cherry, cola, and dulce de leche. This fair trade and organic blend showcase the remarkable Guatemala Manos de Mujer coffee, sourced from the ACODIHUE cooperative in the mountainous Huehuetenango region. Grown and produced by indigenous women, this coffee is a symbol of empowerment, as these women are now landowners due to widowing from civil war and men migrating to the United States.

Additional information

Weight 0.33 lbs

Tasting Notes

Tart Cherry, Dulce De Leche, Cola


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